Chinese Culture
The Chinese has more than five thousand years of
history. Its culture is unique from a lot of
aspects. Unfortunately, it is not very well documented or
presented, especially the Chinese characters are not
computer friendly. With my limited knowledge, I am
presenting a small portion of it to benefit people who are
interested in it.
Lunar Calendar

The Chinese have their own calendar. I have developed this
utility that allows you to find a date in Chinese Lunar
Calendar given a date in Gregorian Calendar.
Fortune Telling

There is a traditional Chinese method of fortune telling. It
is well known by people in Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore and
Malaysia. I have put in online so that everyone can try his
or her luck.
Chinese Character Codes
There are a few Chinese encoding standards. I have generated
some tables for the ease of referencing. This will be very
helpful if you are developing Chinese softwares.
There are a few Chinese character tools that help you to examine
Chinese characters with various encodings.
Chinese Poems
Chinese Poems